Hire Interior Designer professionals and make your life easier
Have you ever started a home renovation project and didn't quite finish? Notice how, over time, that eyesore simply morphs into the design of the room? Creatures of habit, we frequently become immune to our own environment.
We ignore the most obvious surroundings because it's comfortable.
It's hard to get a jump on...well what looks good together. A re-design is a likely step but awfully daunting – and expensive.
A tight budget doesn't mean you have fewer options available when it comes to decorating your home. Hiring a design professional is not just for the rich and famous!
You can hire a designer on a budget and here's how:
5 reasons Why You Should Hire a Qualified Interior Designer...and how
The biggest mistake most people make while designing a home? Not getting professional help.
There is likely a creative, competent Interior Designer available within a 10-mile radius of your location who is eager to work hard and create a beautiful functional home with you.
Don’t assume that hiring an interior designer is out of reach. Resources such as ASID or Houzz can help you narrow down a good fit for you, your family and your lifestyle.
Learn more about the foundations of decorating a room.
If you believe that hiring an interior designer will be too expensive or that you will lose control, consider the following:
1. You Will Save Time and Money
An Interior Designer has resources readily available for everything related to your home. This will save you endless amounts of time researching products, brands and prices.
- In styling your home properly, the investment will pay off at resale.
- Interior Designers maintain contacts with tested and approved vendors.
- Design professionals know how and where low-cost alternatives might apply...and look great.
2. You are less likely to make expensive mistakes
Designers align themselves with vendors for wholesale pricing and can source the best deals.
Many connections, resources and general merchandise are not available to the general public.
By combining these resources, designers can help to make your space look more collected, unique and pulled together without trial and error.
3. Understanding Pricing
Interior design is a business and as such, you should understand how the business works.
Interior designers have various billing methods. They may charge an hourly rate; anywhere from $50 to $250. Some designers purchase furnishings at a discount and tack on a percentage. Some combine these two methods. Some charge a flat fee.
You should always ask your designer to clarify his or her billing procedures up front. Get a contract in writing.
4. Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring an Interior Designer
Be clear about your own budget. A good Designer will stick to your budget and NOT introduce anything out of reach.
Communicate your expectations. The key to a well-designed home is the seamless marriage of form and function. While you might like the look of a white area rug, the kids and dogs might present other needs.
Listen to the expert that you have hired. You made a great decision.
Check your professional's qualifications and certifications.
Obtain a proper contract.
A good interior designer will see how your home works or doesn’t work for you. They’ll see the full picture and are able to offer objective expertise that takes into account geometry and lighting as well as your preference for color. A good designer will also save you the time and energy of doing the research, measuring, shopping, ordering, coordination all by yourself.
Remember, you are hiring a professional designer for their expertise but you don’t have to loose sight of how you envision your project. In addition to having great resources and a good “eye,” a designer will become familiar with you and your lifestyle.
5. A Trained Eye
Designers can take a project that has become tiresome and give it new life.
Let's revisit the opening premise. Maybe you've started a project and when the ideas don't come easy, the project sits. It becomes a decoration itself and pretty soon it's just forgotten.
Hiring an interior designer can tighten up a once great idea or better yet, simply take the daunting task of finishing a project so you don't have to. A designer can bring a fresh new look and introduce functional concepts that you haven't thought of.
Learn more about ways to beautify a room.
In creating your perfect space, it's a good idea to consider all of your options and know that Interior Designers are within reach. If you plan and take the time to research the professionals available, you might be surprised how much easier budgeting will be.
We encourage you to give it a shot! Our area rug showroom in Evergreen, CO can give you many of the available options in terms of design, or point you in the right direction. It's a great place to start with decorating ideas and we can help! Just give us a call at 303-679-4447 or contact us.
Do you have some great photos of your project using an Interior Designer? We would love to see them! Just add a comment below or share on our Facebook page.
well this looks amazing, and great instructions.
I think the most important feature to look for is a trained eye, like you said. My wife and I are looking to redecorate our home, and our furniture is nice, it just doesn’t look good together. It’d be nice to have someone help us out who can visualize the flow of a room from top to bottom.
Wow, thanks for these great tips. Keep it up!
Amazing! Thanks for sharing these 5 reasons to hire designer.
Thanks for sharing these 5 reasons to hire designer.
Nice article! Thanks for sharing this great ideas.
Hiring a designer can help you to avoid costly mistakes that will not only help you save money but can increase the value of your home.” Especially when selling your home – interior design is essential when listing your home. It can help boost buyer appeal and set your home above the competition.
An interior designer saves you… replacement costs down the road. Designers have access to more sources than you do for quality furniture. … We know that not everyone has the budget to take advantage of designer resources, but when you do, the quality is well worth the investment and saves you money in the long run.
Your article is very helpful and informative. Thanks a lot!
All the points are accurate! We ended up getting one when everything we made gotten worse and the bad thing is we have already spent some amount.
I agree with this article, sometimes you want to be frugal but in the end, you spend more than your budget.